a nuestro nuevo Wiki-estilo designPH prontuario.

We can offer you now an even more up-to-date user manual
and hope you like the new layout.


  • We host several designPH languages now.
    English, German and Spanish are provided by the Passive House Institute.
    Other languages are provided by third parties. Unfortunately, the PHI can not vouch for their timeliness and correctness.

    Please use the language switcher:

    Deutsch English American Espanol Nederland Polszczyzna Chinese
  • Start viewing the online manual here:
    (In order to view or print the manual you must first log in)

    Ver el manual
  • You can also download or print the whole manual
    or just a part of it for offline use.

    Imprime el manual
  • If you have suggestions, wishes or discover an error,
    please leave a comment under "Your suggestions".

    Many Thanks!


Your designPH development team

designPH manual is offered by

Passive House Institute
Dr. Wolfgang Feist
Rheinstr. 44/46
D-64283 Darmstadt

Tel.: +49 (0) 6151/82699-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6151/82699-11

E-Mail: designph at phi-ibk.at
Internet: www.passivehouse.com

VAT ID according to §27a Sales Tax Act: DE 180568294

Responsible for the content according to §6 MDStV(German State Treaty on Media Services): Dr. Wolfgang Feist


Despite a thorough examination of all external sites referenced by Passipedia, the Passive House Institute is not liable for their content. The responsibility for the sites referenced by Passipedia lies exclusively with their administrators (§4 TDDSG (German Tele Services Data Protection Act) and §13 para.3 MDStV).

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