designPH DEMO

designPH DEMO

a teaser version for 3D energy efficiency planning

Come and get your free download of designPH DEMO to get a glimpse about how mighty
designPH is when it comes to do a well designed Passive House.

What is included?
designPH DEMO is a special teaser version with some limitations regarding to the PRO version.
When downloading designPH DEMO you will get:

  • the designPH DEMO plugin for Trimble 3D SketchUp* software (* extra download at Trimble website)
    valid for up to 40 days (can be renewed after that).
  • included is a quickstart and setup manual.
  • a free 3D model of Kranichstein house (first Passive House ever) for a quick start to play around.
  • access to the free FAQs at (no user account and support at is included).

Details on currently provided version and features please see here.