designPH had a warm welcome at the first European 3D Basecamp organized by sketchUcation.

A really great place, the RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects (link), gave the first European 3D Basecamp its glamourous home.
Thank you guys from sketchUcation (link) for the superb organisation and the very warm welcome to London.

Many presentations (link) and discussions around SketchUp were held. Users and developers were able to find the right mixture of get informed and show up their skills and plugins. The developers of SketchUp (link) from Trimble were able to give useful tips and to get in contact with the active European community around SketchUp and its plugin developers.

designPH had its own presentation on day two with a lot of interest by the attendees. Sorely this year the PHI had no stand to do more live presentations. But sketchUcation did a good job in giving us enough room to present designPH in the big forum.
Thank you all for the big interest and see you next year at second 3D Basecamp in Europe !

Harald Malzer David Edwards